“ You must have a dream for a dream to come true.” ~ Author: Unknown
Embracing your visions, ideas, and aspirations is the catalyst for profound change in your life, community, and the world at large. However, it all begins with nurturing a dream that holds the power to materialize. To bring your dream to fruition, you must possess a clear vision of your desired destination, envision the outcome, and grasp the emotions you’ll experience upon reaching that point. Starting from where you are now is insufficient; you must commence from that envisioned future. This blog delves into the realm of envisioning, taking action, and navigating the transformative journey in between.
Transforming Politics
Self Care – Help Yourself To Help Others
Knowing Our Values
Holistic Approaches
Get Into Action
Read moreConsciousness does not need physical form. But physical form needs Consciousness. And Consciousness enjoys physical form, because physical form is the leading edge of thought. So, Consciousness expands through the physical form. It’s not one or the other.
~ Abraham
Read moreEnd the war within yourself and you end war in the world
~ Byron Katie
Differentiate the energy of love vs. fear
Something Incredible Is Going to Happen
Love America Tour
Sherry Harris 2018
Read moreIn reality you project your own energy out to form the physical world. Therefore, to change your world, it is yourself you must change. You must change what you project.